Home reading 10. Kevin’s holidays

Kevin was waiting for his holidays. His mother said about a big surprise for him during holidays.
Summer holidays started. Now he was free like a bird. Free to draw, paint, play cricket and watch Television ... anything he wanted to do. Kevin took out his crayons and the album. He was going to draw a picture when suddenly the doorbell rang.
It was his cousin Max. “Hiii!”, cried Max and started jumping on Kevin’s bed, breaking his crayons into the parts. “I have come to stay here for the holidays”.
Kevin was not happy to have such a “surprise” on his holidays. Max was Kevin’s pain. He was always doing things wrong. So the next holidays will be the worst in his life.
The next few days were horrible for Kevin. After breakfast Kevin decided to do a painting. Luckily, Max was not at home. Kevin took out all his art things and started painting a beautiful picture.
When he was finishing his picture, Max entered the room with a Pepsi bottle. He poured Pepsi all over the painting, and the picture became bad.
The next day was even worse for him. Everything was good in the morning and in the afternoon. Something bad happened in the evening. It all started when Max put the dirty clothes in the washing machine. After sometime Kevin heard some strange sounds from the washing machine. He went to look at it and found that Max put his best pair of shoes into the machine with the clothes.
One day Kevin was reading the newspaper when he saw interesting news. He read it aloud: “Last week someone stole Dick Brown’s stamps”.