Home reading 8. The Flying Lion

Once upon a time the Lion could fly. His wings were like the wings of Brother Bat, but they were very big, and very thick, and very strong. So he made a big wind with them when he flied into the air. When he was high above the earth, he looked down for something to kill. So this is how he hunted in old times.
There was only one thing he was afraid of, and that was the bones of the animals he caught and ate, which could be broken to pieces. No one knew why, and everyone was frightened of the Flying Lion. He kept the bones in his house and two White Crows guarded them.
But one day while the Flying Lion was away, Brother Big Bullfrog came and said: “Why do you sit here all day, you Whitehead Crows?” And the White Crows said: “We sit here to look after the bones for the Flying Lion.”
“But you must be tired of sitting!”, said Brother Big Bullfrog, “You fly away a little and stretch your wings. I will sit here and look after the bones.”
The White Crows stretched their wings and flew away. But soon Big Bullfrog said: “Now I want to find out why the Flying Lion keeps the bones and why he is afraid of broken bones”.
He broke all the bones he could find in the house. Crack! crack, crack, crack!
When he finished, he hopped away, hop-hop-hoppity-hop, as fast as he could. When the White Crows came back, they were frightened to see all the broken bones.